We strive to guarantee your satisfaction by delivering original, plagiarism-free work. Our sophisticated plagiarism detection software checks every paper before it is delivered to our clients.
How We Do It
Our software is state-of-the-art and constantly updated to ensure it is always effective and efficient. The software not only detects directly copied work but also rearranged word order, words substituted with synonyms, the change from active to passive voice and vice versa, AI-generated content, and much more.
Why is This Important?
Professors have plagiarism-detection programs that allow them to identify work copied from various sources. We strive to prevent such unfortunate situations by delivering high-quality, plagiarism-free papers.
Revision For Plagiarized Work
Although it is very unlikely that plagiarism will be found in the paper delivered to you, we offer free unlimited revisions as part of our revision policy if you suspect plagiarism. We value your response and satisfaction to ensure that you are happy with our services, and you can contact us 24/7.