Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Read our below privacy policy carefully.

Information About You

Before we can process your first order, you are only required to set a password and get your Anonymous ID. NO EMAIL OR PHONE NUMBER IS REQUIRED. 

Ensure you download, take note, or take a screenshot of your Anonymous ID. You will need it to log in and access your dashboard.

Information Security

  • All the information and data we receive are stored securely on our server, as our company has invested heavily in reliable protection systems.
  • A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) system protects the data and information.

Cookies Usage in Our privacy policy

  • Our cookies are only automatically stored on your hard drive on our website.
  • Using our cookie files, we can monitor and track all activity on our website. Cookies are essential to obtain valuable information to help us improve our services and website.
  • We cannot use a customer’s cookies without their consent.

Giving Information to Third Parties

  • We do not share a customer’s personal information with any third party or organisation in any way.
  • The database containing a customer’s personal information is accessible only to authorised personnel of our company.

Online Children Privacy Protection Act Compliance

  • All activities comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
  • We do not offer our academic writing services to anyone under 13.
  • Our privacy policy covers information collected online, so we are reliable for any personal information collected offline, which is not included in the privacy policy.
  • Site users should read the Terms and Conditions to understand better their rights and what is expected of them.
  • Users automatically agree to our Terms and Conditions and the policies on the Website when using our services.